Miehle, P., Livesley, S.J., Feikema, P.M., Li, C., Arndt, S.K., 2006a. Assessing productivity and carbon sequestration capacity of Eucalyptus globulus plantations using the process model Forest-DNDC: calibration and validation. Ecological Modelling 192, 83–94

Published 2006-01-01

Sites: Australia

Citation: Miehle, P., Livesley, S.J., Feikema, P.M., Li, C., Arndt, S.K., 2006a. Assessing productivity and carbon sequestration capacity of Eucalyptus globulus plantations using the process model Forest-DNDC: calibration and validation. Ecological Modelling 192, 83–94

Vegetation: Eucalyptus

Models: Forest-DNDC