Kröbel R., Smith W.N., Grant B.B., Desjardins R.L., Campbell C.A., Tremblay N., Li C.S., Zentner R.P., Mcconkey B.G. (2011) Development and evaluation of a new canadian spring wheat sub-model for DNDC. Can. J. Soil Sci. (2011) 91: 503 520

Published 2011-01-01

Sites: Canada

Citation: Kröbel R., Smith W.N., Grant B.B., Desjardins R.L., Campbell C.A., Tremblay N., Li C.S., Zentner R.P., Mcconkey B.G. (2011) Development and evaluation of a new canadian spring wheat sub-model for DNDC. Can. J. Soil Sci. (2011) 91: 503 520

Vegetation: agriculture (spring wheat)

Models: DNDC