Miehle P., Battaglia M., Sands P.J., Forrester D.I., Feikema P.M., Livesley S.J., Morris J.D., Arndt S.K. (2009) A comparison of four process-based models and a statistical regression model to predict growth of Eucalyptus globulus plantations. Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 734–746

Published 2009-01-01

Sites: Australia (southern)

Citation: Miehle P., Battaglia M., Sands P.J., Forrester D.I., Feikema P.M., Livesley S.J., Morris J.D., Arndt S.K. (2009) A comparison of four process-based models and a statistical regression model to predict growth of Eucalyptus globulus plantations. Ecological Modelling 220 (2009) 734–746

Vegetation: Eucalyptus globulus

Models: Forest-DNDC