GRAMP Discussion Forum

Improving the plant sub-model

Posted April 5, 2016, 4:31 a.m. by kamingfung

Dear all,

I am a PhD student from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I did some research on the plant sub-model of DNDC and would like to try a modification on the plant sub-model of DNDC which could potentially improve the simulation performance. Would it be possible for me to request for the source code of DNDC for my proposed modification?

Thank you so much.

Yours faithfully,
Fung Ka Ming

Comment #1 posted 8 years, 10 months ago by jagadeesh

Hello Fung Ka Ming for posting your quarries on GRAMP, DNDC source code is not open to public yet. There is an on going project to make DNDC as an open source model. The work is in progress, DNDC source code will be released on GRAMP once recoding of DNDC is complete.

You can modify crop parameters in DNDC crop library with out changing the whole process in the model. You can also add new crops.


Comment #2 posted 8 years, 10 months ago by jagadeesh

Hello Fung Ka Ming, thanks for posting your quarries on GRAMP, DNDC source code is not open to public yet. There is an on going project to make DNDC as an open source model. The work is in progress, DNDC source code will be released on GRAMP once recoding of DNDC is complete.

You can modify crop parameters in DNDC crop library with out changing the whole process in the model. You can also add new crops.


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