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    "url": "/models/13",
    "family": "DNDC",
    "title": "Mobile-DNDC",
    "description": "<p><p>Grote et al. (2011) integrated dimensional\r\ntree growth and mortality routines with MoBiLE-PSIM, a physiologically based\r\nprocess model, to enable quantification of&nbsp;\r\nthe impacts of direct and indriect impacts of forest management on\r\ncarbon balances within ecosystems.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Simulations were performed using\r\nmicroclimate, water cycle, soil nutrient dynamics, physiology and dimensional\r\nchange models combined in a MOBiLE (Grote et al., 2008) framework.&nbsp; The framework manages the exchange of\r\nvariables between models and modules that describe the cycling of water, carbon\r\nand nitrogen in the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. &nbsp;An Empirical-based Canopy Model (Grote et al.,\r\n2009a) is used to provide hourly climatic information for canopy layers and\r\nDNDC calculates soil temperature, which drives biogeochemical calculations. &nbsp;The DNDC water balance module is used to\r\ncalculate water availability and DNDC calculations are used to to simulate the\r\nmineralisation, nitrification and denitrification above and below ground. &nbsp;PSIM and DNDC were linked previously in Grote\r\net al. (2009b) by plant uptake of nitrogen.&nbsp;\r\nThe DNDC model used in the MoBiLE framework is able to calculate '\"water\r\npools and fluxes throughout the total rooted soil profile with soil layer\r\nspecific parameterisations\", unlike in the orginal version. A physiology\r\nbased model, PSIM, simulates further vegetation processes such as plant\r\nrespiration, senescence and allocation of carbon and nitrogen and nitrogen\r\nuptake. </p>\r\n<p>Simulations are site specific and\r\ninformation is only exchanged vertically (from the top of the vegetation to the\r\ntotal rooting depth in the soil) between time steps, as it is 1-D column\r\nmodelling.&nbsp; The vertical dimension is\r\ndivided into flexible vegetation layers, of equal height, and a variety of soil\r\nlayers (defined by C content, N content, field capacity, wilting point, pH,\r\nsaturated conductivity, clay and stone content, bulk density).&nbsp; The model operates on either a sub-daily,\r\ndaily or any multiple of day time steps.&nbsp;\r\nVegetation information required includes species, height, canopy length,\r\naverage diameter at 1.3m, total stem volume, total above ground biomass and\r\ntree number.</p><p><p>MoBiLE-DNDC was shown to be capable of\r\nsimulating carbon fluxes in various types of pureforests, which covered old to\r\nyoung forests and a variety of species (deciduous, evergreen, needle and broad\r\nleaved) by Grote et al. (2011).&nbsp; The\r\nmodel is able to quantify real management impacts on the carbon cycle (the\r\nmodel recognises losses from thinning) and there feedback effects, which signifies\r\nprogress in carbon flux modelling.</p>\r\nMoBiLE-DNDC was adapted by Wolf et al. (2012) to\r\nexamine nitrous oxide emissions during freeze-thaw events in temperate\r\necoystems, through the addition of routines that relate maximum snow height to\r\nend of season biomass (ESSB).&nbsp; The model\r\nwas developed to better simulate plant production, snow height and soil\r\nmoisture for steppe terrain exposed to different grazing intensities in\r\nMongolia.&nbsp; The new routines account for\r\ndecreased plant productivity resulting from grazing and the increase of\r\nimpedance of soil ice on soil hydraulic conductivity.&nbsp; Modelling impedance within MoBiLE-DNDC improved\r\nsimulation of soil water content and decreased the oxygen content in the top\r\nsoil during periods of freeze-thaw.&nbsp; Nitrous\r\noxide emissions were shown to decrease during spring thaw as a result of lower\r\nwater content and anaerobiosis, which was also observed in field observations.&nbsp;<br></p></p>",
    "keywords": "Physiologically orientated modelling, Integrated modelling, Eddy-flux measurements, Tree growth, Carbon balances, Thinning  Freeze-thaw, Impedance concepth, N2O, Steppe, Biogeochemical Modelling, Grazing Intensity",
    "principal_authors": "Rüdiger Grote, Ralf Kiese, Thomas Grünwald, Jean-Marc Ourcival and Andre Granier ",
    "contact_name": "Rüdiger Grote",
    "contact_email": "",
    "organization": "Karlsruhe Insititute of Technology",
    "latest_version": "",
    "website": "",
    "language": "",
    "systems_supported": "",
    "source_code_available": "",
    "sectors": "Agriculture",
    "submitted_by": "",
    "reference_url": "",
    "published_on": "2009-07-01",
    "lft": 178,
    "rght": 193,
    "tree_id": 1,
    "level": 1,
    "parent": ""
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